Nutri-Physical® Overview
Nutri-Physical® use your health history and lifestyle to create a personalized formula that supports your nutritional needs.
Identifying areas of nutrition where you need extra supplementation is a difficult task. Harder still is wading through the vast assortment of vitamins and minerals that claim to improve your health and well-being. Maybe you have a rough idea of where to start, but why leave anything to chance?
That's why we developed Nutri-Physical® Nutritional Analysis, a free tool that can help you chose the proper supplementation regimen based on your diet and lifestyle.
Unlike other health questionnaires, Nutri-Physical explores all aspects of your diet, lifestyle and fitness to make concrete recommendations. You can easily identify which products are most important for your health.
Nutri-Physical® provides a blueprint for discovering what supplements, meal plans, and stress and sleep protocols are going to work for you. In addition, you can customize your program as much as you want by taking personalized quizzes. After the initial quiz (the basics), the new Nutri-Physical® offers a “choose your own adventure” path and identifies eight areas of health, from Muscle & Joint Health to Cardiovascular Health.
The result of your Nutri-Physical is based on overall best fit derived from your answers to a detailed online questionnaire that takes into account diet and exercise, family history personal habits and more.
“While the competition is making one-size-fits-all recommendations, Nutri-Physical is listening to you!
Every three to four months, come back and retake Nutri-Physical® to receive new supplement recommendations at no cost. It's easy, it's customizable and it's free - three great reasons to take your Nutri-Physical® today!*
How does Nutri-Physical work?
Nutri-Physical® Nutritional Analysis was developed by a team of experts who designed a series of questions around major health-related conditions currently plaguing our nation. After taking the comprehensive questionnaire, your responses are analyzed, calculated, and ranked on a point system. Then, based on this analysis, a daily nutrition supplement regimen is suggested based on your area of highest need and which products best fit those needs.*
Custom Cocktail by Isotonix®
nutraMetrix Custom Cocktail by Isotonix- You can customize your supplement order and purchase products you choose. Custom cocktail allows you choose from 19 different Isotonix products and create your own formula to meet your needs. In both 30-day and 90-day options. This creates a value for both the practitioner as well as the patient because custom cocktail is developed base on personalized needs. With a nutrition guard, no one need be concerned about exceeding upper limits or diminishing the activity of any formula.
Custom Cocktail understands there is a delicate balance between the nutrients you need and a supplement plan that feels excessive. Because we know the science is important, we give you access to some of the most powerfully researched ingredients in the nutraceutical marketplace and allows you to customize a program for YOUR lifestyle, we didn’t just make it possible, we made it isotonic.
We take a nature-first approach to our custom cocktail by Isotonix. We give you customizable ingredients, in an easy to use system that ensures you do not exceed upper daily limits through a nutrient guard approach and allows you to get rid of the fillers and binders. Instead, we help you create your very best formula to match your needs and longevity goals. Custom Cocktail by Isotonix – fills in gaps, where diet falls short!
Additionally, we have recommended specialty cocktails so you can take a “do-it-for-me” approach, rest assured the specialty formulas were created with energy, focus and health today in mind, by scientist that “get nutrition”.
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